Sunday, 7 February 2016

How do I become mentally stronger?

Here’s very simple 6 top tips for you:
1. Eat the elephant.
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Take insurmountable goals and break them down into smaller objectives.
2. Use visualisation.
Run vivid scenarios of yourself succeeding over and over inside your heads. This maximizes the chance of success when the time comes.
3. Practice emotional control.
Use breathing techniques such as the “4 by 4 for 4” (4 seconds in, 4 seconds out for 4 minutes) to keep your stress levels under control.
4.Use self talk.
Reframe external events in a positive light. Understand that it is not the EVENT but their INTERPRETATION that matters.
5. Celebrate small victories.
See the beauty of small victories in tough times. This keeps morale high so they can keep fighting the good fight.
6. Value your tribe.
Care for their team. Lose the tribe and you lose everything.
The techniques are important, but actually executing them is even more so. 💯🔝

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