Thursday, 26 September 2019

BMW thinks their self driving cars could be better use for Sex !!

Autonomous driving will bring us a number of freedoms. Passengers will be able to watch movies, read newspapers — if they still exist — or play video games while the AI drives.

But BMW thinks being chauffeured by a self-driving car can get a whole lot more exciting than that. The German carmaker released — and then promptly deleted — an ad called “New Moments of Joy,” about a future where people can have sex inside their self-driving BMW version iNext cars.

Sexual Interstate

The racy ad was uploaded to BMW’s futuristic sub-brand BMWi’s Twitter account on Monday, but has since been taken down.

It’s unclear why exactly BMW removed the ad, but here are a couple of hints as to why they might have: encouraging people to drive without wearing seat belts isn’t exactly the best idea in 2019, despite a warning in the ad noting that it’s “a demonstration only” and that “BMW does not offer self-driving cars.”

Future Shock

Companies like Tesla have come under increased scrutiny for advertising self-driving features of their vehicles that might mislead customers about the tech’s limitations.

Or was it the raciness of the ad that raised one too many eyebrows? It’s a controversial ad that was bound to start a conversation about the future of self-driving. And it makes a good point: why stop at reading a book or watching Netflix while inside the car? Perhaps the world just wasn’t ready for that vision.
READ MORE: BMW ad hints in-car sex is part of our self-driving future [CNET]

Saturday, 21 September 2019

The entire Galaxies are dying, Astrophysicists warn the scientific society!

Stripped of their ability to produce new stars, the unfortunate galaxies are stuck in time, slowly vanishing as their existing stars fade away or die in violent supernovas.

Now a team is investigating the nearby Virgo Cluster to figure out what’s going on in hopes that similar phenomena are happening there, project leader and McMaster University astrophysicist Toby Brown writes in The Conversation. Brown suggests that galaxies are being killed as they interact with the extreme conditions of tightly-packed galaxy clusters — but he’s not sure why.

Narrowing Down

To clarify, when Brown writes that “in the most extreme regions of the universe, galaxies are being killed,” he doesn’t mean that they’re suddenly vanishing. Rather, the formation of new stars within them is being shut down by yet-undetermined factors.

So far, Brown’s team has arrived at two possibilities, and Brown hopes that using advanced telescopes to probe the still-forming Virgo Cluster will tilt the scales one way or another.

Cosmic Starvation

The first possibility is called ram pressure stripping, a process through which all of the gas that a galaxy would use to form stars is vacuumed away by nearby intergalactic plasma. The other is that the environment inside a galactic cluster simply becomes too hot for cosmic gases to cool and condense into stars, rendering it useless as fuel.

“When you remove the fuel for star formation, you effectively kill the galaxy,” Brown writes, “turning it into a dead object in which no new stars are formed.”

READ MORE: Something is killing galaxies, and scientists are on the case [The Conversation]

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

We might soon be able to communicate telepathically

At least, that’s the gist of a new report about neural implant technology by the Royal Society, that was reviewed by The Independent. The document hypes some of the more exciting things brain-computer interfaces could make possible, but also warns that brains hooking to the computers ( watching too many SciFi movies!!) could also compromise individual privacy.

“Not only thoughts, but sensory experiences, could be communicated from brain to brain,” the report reads. “Someone on holiday could beam a ‘neural postcard’ of what they are seeing, hearing or tasting into the mind of a friend back home.” - Little bit of exaggeration.... Do you guys think that way? 

To make sure that these neural implants of the future are used to benefit people and society, the Royal Society is calling for a government probe into the tech, The Independent reports. Otherwise, companies like Facebook and Tweeter that are already working on their own systems will be able to dictate how the tech is used on their own terms.

“They could bring huge economic benefits to the UK and transform sectors like the NHS, public health and social care,”  report co-chair Christofer Toumazou from Imperial College of London told The Independent. “But if developments are dictated by a handful of companies then less commercial applications could be side-lined. That is why we are calling on the government to launch a national investigation”

READ MORE: Brain-Computer Interface Will Make People Telepathic, Scientists Say [The Independent]

Sunday, 1 September 2019

Devil.... the old friend !

The Devil......

He had bright eyes,
But no hair.
Light skin
But dark in mind...

Alluring voice,
Pleasing appeal,
Infectious laugh,
Esoteric brain,
But dark in heart.

He was
Cut from different cloth
The one everyone wanted.
Forever, subjugating 
Others life and is a swamp
To saw the seeds of trust.

He made us move away from others
Saying untold stories of lies 
Made-up untruth tales of my friends 

And when we ended I realised that

"I sat with the devil,
I laughed with the devil,
I sang with the devil,
I played with the devil......"

I warn you....
You will be his next prey
Believe me...
He is an evil Predator
The gift of the 'Devil'.